AUL/PIIMT Grad. Ceremony 2014 Space Commerce Management - US Astronaut Billy Oefelein

Описание к видео AUL/PIIMT Grad. Ceremony 2014 Space Commerce Management - US Astronaut Billy Oefelein

The objective of AUL AUL-PIIMT is to share the knowledge and the know-how of the American education through a multidisciplinary program adapted to the African and Middle East Culture and Market. Courses are dispensed in English or in French by international professors and scholars, who are actively involved in their field of expertise, in research, and in mentoring.

The students at AUL-PIIMT are also advised and counseled by an academic and educational team and by professionals coming from multiple horizons. This commitment allows the student to make best use of its capacities and to commit to the circles of Business Management, Computer Science and various Technologies.

In a context of globalization and greater competitiveness, AUL-PIIMT trains the leaders of tomorrow. The acquired versatility adapts students to the new constraints of the job market by allowing them to seize any opportunity that might come their way.

At AUL-PIIMT, you will find more than programs; you will find values that will shape up your future.


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