Super Smash Bros Ultimate Online Match

Описание к видео Super Smash Bros Ultimate Online Match

Smash Ultimate is back to its normal roots after doing a tribute to smash 4. Lets end with SMASH!

Smash Bros Rules:
1. 3 Rule Win
2. No Spamming Attacks
3. If you go over 3 your Kicked
4. Wait before starting the match someone might be changing characters. You'll be warned if you press start immediately.
5. Have good Internet we do not need lag in battles
6. If I am afk continue battling so that the game won't kick us out
7. If you rage please leave I'm not having any rage in my streams
8. Do not be Toxic at all here. If you become toxic your out of the arena.
9. Have fun and enjoy!

Live Chat Rules:
1. Say hi before coming into chat
2. dont spam
3. No Swearing Allowed. Keep it Family Friendly
4. dont self promote only mods can self promote
5. dont mini mod let the mods do their jobs (unless they arent here i take care of it
6. dont be rude in the chat
7. no personal questions or info in the chat
8. no drama in the chat or else ill time you out or ban you
9. no political stuff
10. In VC if you are constantly arguing I ask you to mute or leave.
11. Dont acknowledge trolls or bots in the chat the mods or I will handle it
12. Positive Vibes please

Stream Transition and Ending Screen - @Ronald200in
Overlay & Raid Screen - @Puffton11ty7
Channel banner Intro and Outro - @LordTRex
BRB Screen - @djjenny3627


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