The Grievance Procedure

Описание к видео The Grievance Procedure

Most collective bargaining contracts contain a grievance procedure. It lists the steps in the procedure, time limits associated with each step, and specific rules such as all charges of contract violation must be reduced to writing. Nonunionized employers need such procedures, too. Some firms have simple, two-step procedures. Here, the grievant, union representative, and company representative meet to discuss the grievance.

If they don’t find a satisfactory solution, the grievance goes before a third-party arbitrator, who hears the case, writes it up, and makes a decision. At the other extreme, the grievance procedure may contain six or more steps. The first step might be for the grievant and shop steward to meet with the supervisor of the grievant to try to find a solution. The next steps involve the grievant and union representatives meeting with higher-level managers. If top management and the union can’t reach agreement, the grievance may go to arbitration.


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