RHCSA RHEL 8 - Install and update software packages from Red Hat, a remote repo, or local filesystem

Описание к видео RHCSA RHEL 8 - Install and update software packages from Red Hat, a remote repo, or local filesystem

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This video is based on RHEL 8.

Video to cover the section 'Install and update software packages from Red Hat Network, a remote repository, or from the local file system' for the RHCSA (Red Hat Certified System Administrator).

More information on the required learning: http://bit.ly/rhcsa8

Notes from the video:

Some people who have worked with Red Hat previously will be familiar with YUM, however as of RHEL8 it has been replaced by DNF, best to use this going forward even though the yum commands still work.

To search for a package:

dnf search nano

dnf list na*

To list both enabled and disabled repositories use the following command. A status column is added to the output list to show which of the repositories are enabled.

dnf repolist all

dnf repoinfo

To view more information about a particular package:
dnf info nano

To install packages using dnf:

dnf install nano

To remove a package:

dnf remove nano

To find out what package provides a particular file:

dnf provides "*/bin/nano"

To use dnf to install a local package use:

dnf localinstall rpm

To list all the available package groups:

dnf groups list

To install a package group:
dnf group install "System Tools"

To remove a package group:
dnf group remove "System Tools"

To list all of the actions completed using dnf:
dnf history list

To undo a particular action:
dnf history undo 4

To redo a particular action:

dnf history redo 4

To add a new repository on the system you need the following configuration as a minimum this would need to be in an existing or new file within /etc/yum.repos.d/ with the .repo extension:


Replace repository_url with a URL to the directory where the repodata directory of a repository is located:
If the repository is available over HTTP, use: http://path/to/repo
If the repository is available over FTP, use: ftp://path/to/repo
If the repository is local to the machine, use: file:///path/to/local/repo

There is an automated tool to do the addition of repositories, yum-config-manager which is provided as part of dnf-utils. To install run:

dnf install dnf-utils

To add an exsiting repository to the system use the following command:
yum-config-manager --add-repo repository_url

To disable a repository:

yum-config-manager --disablerepo repository

To enable a repository:

yum-config-manager --enablerepo repository

Creating your own local repository, you need to firstly install the createrepo application:

dnf install createrepo

2. Copy all packages that you want to have in your repository into one directory, such as /root/local_repo.

3. Change to this directory and run the following command:

createrepo --database /root/local_repo

To then add the repo to dnf:

yum-config-manager --add-repo file:///root/local_repo/

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