Stupid ass plumbers

Описание к видео Stupid ass plumbers

I had a major house fire and had to have it completely rebuilt. I hired a Class A general contractor and he provided all of the trades. He provided the plumber as well to redo route the drain and supply lines to the new laundry location. These are the results of a "professional" plumber (I saw his class A license after this video was made}. Yes I know the work that I did is not the greatest BUT the work that I did under there 15 years prior to this video has never had an issue.
But I have just gotten sick and tired of paying "professional" plumbers to come and do shitty half-assed work. Once the house was livable again, a plumbing inspector from the city came and passed everything, including the work that I did previously.
I do regret my choice of words at the time complaining and labeling ALL plumbers as bad. I had been dealing with the worlds worst GC and ever single SUB he used was doing complete sh!t work and the frustration had been building. My only outlet at the time was making these videos documenting some of the issues.


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