Tribal people try Muslim Sweet Dishes from around the world on Eid Milad un Nabi

Описание к видео Tribal people try Muslim Sweet Dishes from around the world on Eid Milad un Nabi

Tribal people try most famous Muslim Sweet Dishes from around the world which are delicious, traditional, popular in muslim countries and globally eaten on Eid Mawlid an Nabi.

In this video tribal people are tasting variety of Arabic, ancient Egyptian, Indian, Pakistani, Syrian and Turkish delicacies for the first time which are famous worldwide. Since these sweet dishes are ancient cuisines and passed on generation to generation that is why people have named them differently in different parts of the world.
Sweet dishes include: Kheer, Shahi Tukra, Baklava, Umm Ali, Aish El Saraya, rice pudding and bread pudding.
To see epic and real reactions of tribal people trying #EidMiladunnabi #sweetdishes which muslims eat around the world and enjoying the #muslimfestival with excitement watch the video.

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