編舞家要怎麼編舞X謝杰樺 What is Choreography【NTCH togo】

Описание к видео 編舞家要怎麼編舞X謝杰樺 What is Choreography【NTCH togo】



舞蹈還能怎麼編? 觀眾還能怎麼樣看舞?

What is choreography? How does a choreographer think and work? Choreographer Chieh-Hua Jeff HSIEH, with backgrounds both in dance and in architecture, deconstructs the ways to look at dance. From a piece readily “designed” by the choreographer to an experimental process of space and perspectives, technology opens up the idea of choreography. Follow the choreographer to the rehearsal room and see how dance and choreography morph with his questions.

關於謝杰樺 Chieh-hua Jeff Hsieh

安娜琪舞蹈劇場藝術總監,自成功大學建築學系畢業,因為 對現代舞的興趣與喜好,進入了臺北藝術大學舞蹈創作研究所,之後投身進入現代舞創作領域。在建築與舞蹈的雙重背景之下,其作品顯現獨特的創作思維。杰樺著名的作品包括獲得國藝會與兩廳院所贊助並獲選為該年度新人新視野專案優良作品的《安娜琪的夢想》 (2009) 和《1980的安娜琪》 (2008)、受邀為北藝大舞蹈表演研究所畢業生賴炫均所編創並深獲好評的《Anarchy》 (2008) 、獲得由文建會所主辦2008舞躍大地(National Creative Dance Competition, Taiwan)優選獎的《Falling Kiss》 (2006) ,還有獲得世安美學獎(S-AN Artistic Creation Award, Taiwan)的現代主義作品《灰階混亂》(Gray Mass) (2006),等…。

在他的作品中,獨特的空間概念以及鮮明的肢體風格成為其作品中最為人津津樂道的部份。他於2009年秋季前往美國Colorado College擔任客席教師,並獲選為台北國際藝術村出訪藝術家,受邀於2010年在Texas Christian University和Colorado College發表新作。 作品《安娜琪的夢想》受邀於美國科羅拉多舞蹈節、紐約2010年全球舞蹈藝術節、印度加爾各答演出。並於2010年秋天,受邀前往為新加坡 Frontier Danceland舞團創作新作,並於新加坡濱海藝術中心Studio Theater發表。2011年發表了舞蹈與科技跨界製作《第七感官》環境建制計劃的呈現作品,廣受好評。除了劇場內的藝術作品,杰樺也參與2009年高雄世界運動會開幕演出的舞蹈統籌與編排的工作。

Mr. Hsieh, Taiwanese, graduated with MFA in Dance Choreography from Taipei National University of the Arts in 2007. With BA degree in Architecture from National Cheng-Kung University, presented him a special way in his creative works. Jeff’s choreography credits include Seventh Sense (2011), Anarchy’s Dream (2009), Anarchy 1980 (2008), Anarchy (2008), Gray Mass (2006), Falling Kiss (2006), and more. His works, Anarchy’s Dream and Anarchy 1980, was commissioned by National Culture and Arts Foundation of Taiwan; and the Falling Kiss placed him as one of the most outstanding choreographers in the 2008 National Creative Dance Competition sponsored by the Council for Cultural Affairs, Taiwan. In 2006, his work, Gray Mass was awarded in S-AN Artistic Creation Award, Taiwan. Chieh-Hua Jeff’s work filled with clear structure, meaningful inspiration and creative way of playing with time, space and energy. He is one of five choreographers for 2009 World Games held in Taiwan. His piece has been performed in USA, India, Holland, China, Australia, Singapore and Taiwan as well.

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