CURE+ webinar: Inspirational Experience Exchange on URCs. Policy Challenges for URC – 13 June 2024

Описание к видео CURE+ webinar: Inspirational Experience Exchange on URCs. Policy Challenges for URC – 13 June 2024

During the first half of 2024, three online webinars were organized within CURE+ project gathering in total more than 70 participants from the project countries and beyond, involving stakeholders from the research community, municipalities and private sector. The sessions brought together experts from various fields to share their experiences, insights, and strategies for implementing and managing URCs.
The third webinar provided an overview of the current policy framework around CDW in the project cities, setting the stage for discussions on regulatory challenges and opportunities.
Jurn Quadt (Rotterdam) introduced De HER, a combination of a waste recycling centre and a hotspot for circular designers in Rotterdam. The centre collaborates with entrepreneurs and educational organizations to utilize bulky household waste as raw materials, making the circular transition tangible.
Alfred Güell (Barcelona), a waste management consultant, discussed Recursos Urbanos, a private URC focused on CDW recycling. His work in advising public entities and developing recycling measures showcases the intersection of policy and practice.
The moderated discussion centred on policy challenges and their relationship to current and upcoming CDW policies. Audience questions via chat added depth to the conversation, addressing real-world implications and strategies for overcoming regulatory hurdles.
More information about CURE+ project can be found at and


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