Yi Ultra 2.7K Dashcam Review

Описание к видео Yi Ultra 2.7K Dashcam Review

A review of the Xiaoyi Yi Ultra 2.7K dashcam - includes sample clips.

Click on the UK Amazon link and apply the promotional voucher shown below the price.
UK: http://amzn.to/2jjzKnJ US: http://amzn.to/2zuzYfP
Also available on AliExpress http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/YFMVjyb

**LINKS: All Amazon/eBay links are Affiliated where possible.**

Recommended High Endurance Memory Cards
UK: http://amzn.to/2j2APNI US: http://amzn.to/2jvHdwq

Downloadable Sample Clips: http://www.techmoan.com/blog/2017/11/...

Beginners Guide to dash cams
Other recommended Cameras

Q) What car are you driving
A) An eleven year old Smart Roadster Coupe

Q) What happened to (Insert car here)
A) We own two cars, a BMW Mini & a Smart Roadster Coupe

Q) You're pronouncing Yi wrong, it's pronounced eee
A) Take that one up with Yi, they pronounce it the same way I do, you can see this in their promo video    • Who is YI?  

Q) What is the SD card format?
A) Windows reports it as FAT32 (with errors), Mac OS can't read it at all. A 64GB card formatted by a dashcam will often be ex-FAT, so it appears it's a custom format...or something else odd is occurring.
The camera formats the card whenever an unused card is first inserted...you can see this taking place at the start of the video. It also recommends that you format the card if you re-set the time (I noticed this when moving the clock back an hour). The wheres and whyfores of the precise formatting system used by the camera aren't what's important, it's how that may or may not affect the user. So to sum it up again - if you have a Windows PC you're fine and if you only use the WiFi app you're fine...but if you only have a Mac you can't read the SD card natively.

Q) These High Endurance SD cards are a con.
A) Hold your horses there old chap - as I said in the video, buy whatever SD card you want - however you should be aware that some SD card manufacturers (Samsung & Sandisk are two of them) now state that their non-endurance SD card warranties will be invalidated if the card was used in a dashcam. Now listen up....don't get all up in my grill about this - it's just information, it's not opinion....it's a fact I'm passing on to be helpful. If you want an argument about this contact Samsung...I have no horse in this race.

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Over Time - Vibe Tracks    • Over Time – Vibe Tracks (No Copyright...  

-----Outro Sound Effect-----
ThatSFXGuy -    • Six Million Dollar man main title com...  

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