DOS and Band Structure Calculation using VASP

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DOS and Band Structure Calculation using VASP.
In this video, I talk about the step by step process of accurate DOS and band structure calculations using VASP and some ways of plotting the band structure and DOS of our system.
So, by listening to this video, we will learn how to perform DOS and band structure calculations for our target systems and then how to plot these properties. Also, we will understand the main reason for inconsistency between DOS and band structure and what points we need to take into consideration in order to take a more accurate result and remove the inconsistency between DOS and band structure calculations that is very important. Indeed, we may face this problem that our DOS and band structure calculations are not consistent. For example, the bandgap in our DOS calculations is larger than the results in the bandstructure calculations or our band structure calculations show a metallic system (for example); however, our band structure calculations show a semiconducting system with a bandgap. In this video, I tried to cover all these points to obtain a more accurate calculation and remove this inconsistency.


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