Coming Home Through Focusing Listening with Eugene Gendlin Ph.D.

Описание к видео Coming Home Through Focusing Listening with Eugene Gendlin Ph.D.

In this video Dr. Gendlin demonstrates and teaches Focusing by guiding one newcomer through the Focusing process. At the end of the session he discusses the process with the audience. Many questions which are often asked by newcomers and experienced focusers are answered in a lively and informative exchange.
(GENE) You do not have to tell me all of the inner content. You’re welcome to tell it, but you don't have to tell it. You can tell me I'm working on a problem. And don’t tell me any more than that. And the rest of it will be the inner process…. You know I've got a lot of things going through my head, or it is a certain place where I'm scared. Or whatever. And you never tell, or we're never going to know if it's a problem at work, or in your marriage, or at home, or with your kids or….


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