Ceora by Lee Morgan Played by Lot2Learn

Описание к видео Ceora by Lee Morgan Played by Lot2Learn

Ceora, written in 1965 by the great trumpeter Lee Morgan, has a beautiful melody with a high degree of difficulty - as will attest by my occassional missed or added notes. ;-) The melody contains many great devices that can be incorporated into the solo and expanded on during the improvisation.

I use many chord tone outlines in my solo as well as approach notes and enclosures. These are all common improvisational devices that I combine into phrases to "tell my story". If you want to see a recent video of me playing this song live with a quartet and taking a totally different type of solo (using a Fender Rhodes patch) you can view it here:

Production Notes:
I am using a Roland FP-4 keyboard with the stock Grand Piano sound. A mild amount of post-processing was done with the Ferox VST plug-in to give some added warmth. The on-screen keyboard from captured with Camtasia software. Video compositing and rendering done with Serif MoviePlus X3.

As always, thanks for listening and for your continued support.


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