
Описание к видео Density

Distinguishing the different densities of different substance and how they help us to solve some un-unraverable mysteries of substances.

As a result of this video there are misused words, i deeply apologized for these mistakes. For such, i don't use the English language as my main language but i am trying to be more efficient on this matter.

I hope you have learned something on my video. Your learning is my pleasure.

Short clips such as used in the video can be found at this link below. You can download these clips for free.

Some videos are used to create this video. The links of these videos are shown below. You can visit their channels and learn vast information on their uploaded videos.

   • Denser Than You Think - Science Exper...  

   • Seven Layer Density Column Experiment...  

   • How taking a bath led to Archimedes' ...  

Best of luck!


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