Best DX9 graphics settings for Euro Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator

Описание к видео Best DX9 graphics settings for Euro Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator

The settings used in this video works for both ATS and ETS2!
I rarely use any graphics mods, instead I use the settings below but first...
These settings only work on nVidia cards (Tested only on my 1060 card) and despite my results, yours may differ. You are changing these settings on your own risk!

You are welcome to post all your questions and feedback on nVidia graphics setting in the RoExtended great forum page on the topic

Link to Nvidia Profile Inspector:

Directlink to latest release v3.5.0.0 as of recording:


In Game settings, both forATS and ETS2:

Scaling 100%

MLAA off!


Nvidia Profile Inspector (Different profiles but same settings for ATS and ETS2)

Antialiasing compatibility 0x404012C1

Antialiasing - Mode Override any application

Antialiasing - Setting 4x [4x Multisampling]

Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling
4x Sparse Grid

Toggle FXAA on or off Off

Anisotropisk filtering mode User-defined / Off

Anisotropisk filtering setting 16x

Texture filtering - Quality High quality


And if you want to bring the settings up one more notch theres always graphics mods as well but Im saving that for another video.

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