How to Convert KVA to KW | How to Convert KVA to AMPS | Step By Step

Описание к видео How to Convert KVA to KW | How to Convert KVA to AMPS | Step By Step

How to Convert KVA to KW | How to Convert KVA to AMPS single and three-phase:
To convert kVA (kilovolt-ampere) to kW (kilowatt), use the formula:
kW = kVA * Power Factor

kVA represents the apparent power in an electrical system, which is a combination of both real power (kW) and reactive power (kVAR).
kW is the real power, which is the portion of kVA that does useful work in the system.
Power factor is a ratio that represents the efficiency of power usage and is the cosine of the angle between real power and apparent power in an AC circuit.
By multiplying kVA by the power factor, you get the real power in kilowatts (kW), which is the usable power in the system.

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