Maplestory M / 楓之谷M First Damien After Cygnus Remaster Night Walker Orb Duty POV

Описание к видео Maplestory M / 楓之谷M First Damien After Cygnus Remaster Night Walker Orb Duty POV

TLDR: Orb duty is no more an issue. Spam quint w v3 on the other side of map to keep heals up.

Average dps w orb still very good. Back then orb duty for NW = extreme loss of dps, however damage stayed consistently decent.

30S to 60s dominion hurts, but healings make up for the loss.

#nightwalker #damien #楓之谷m
#maplestorym #楓之谷m #maplem #maplestorymobile #maplestory #absolab #scania



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