Tom Was Here: Wells Township Haunted House - Brilliant, OH - October 2024

Описание к видео Tom Was Here: Wells Township Haunted House - Brilliant, OH - October 2024

We made our way to Brilliant, OH to make our return to Wells Township Haunted House for the 2024 season. Wells Township is pretty unique in that they have a haunt host that takes you through each side as a guide. They don’t really have a set theme but more a collection of different scenes that are individual to that scene before moving on to the next one. We didn’t get here last year so i knew there would be some changes but Wells Township turns things over year after year. This one was a lot of fun this year and it helped that we had our biggest crew of the season on board for this one. So let’s step inside Wells Township Haunted House for the 2024 season and thanks so much for watching! Please make sure to like, share and subscribe!!!


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