7 Tips for Selling More Books on Amazon KDP

Описание к видео 7 Tips for Selling More Books on Amazon KDP

Here are 7 tips to sell more copies of your books on Amazon KDP.

1/ Amazon profile - follow amazon's guideline on setting up a profile so others can follow you. https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/top...

2/ Build an author website. 

3/ Create an email list so you can build a connection with your followers.

4/ Have a free offer for your followers like a free copy of one of your books or a free ebook to offer.

5/ Create brand awareness for your writing business.

6/ Don't promote your book to everyone. You need to develop a following of people that enjoy what you do and what you write.

7/ Develop a free traffic source and build a good following using social media.

#writing #tips #Amazonkdp

To purchase a copy of my first horror novel on Amazon, follow the link below.
Check this out! https://a.co/d/8qIAlWD


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