4♠, 5♣, pass, or double... What will you choose? - with India Natt née Leeming

Описание к видео 4♠, 5♣, pass, or double... What will you choose? - with India Natt née Leeming

Online bridge lessons with India Natt: https://learnbridgeonline.com/product...

With 13 hcp and a 6-card club suit, we open 1♣. West overcalls 2♥, Partner doubles, and East jumps to game with 4♥. We are faced with a tricky choice now!

What are our options? We could bid 4♠, 5♣, pass, or even double... What will you choose? Leave a comment below to let us know your choice.

Many thanks to India for joining us for this wild hand. Her advice in thinking through our options is helpful as is her guidance as we play the hand. And how do we know if our results prove whether we made the 'right' choice or if it just came down to luck? India gives us a helpful method for evaluating at the end of the hand if we ended up in a good contract.


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Learn how to play bridge online at https://learnbridgeonline.com/


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