Te Maurea Whiritoi | Waiata Tira | 2014 | Murimuri Aroha

Описание к видео Te Maurea Whiritoi | Waiata Tira | 2014 | Murimuri Aroha

Waiata Tira of Te Maurea Whiritoi from the National Secondary School Kapa Haka Competition in Gisborne 2014.
Lyrics composed by Toti and Francis West.
Tune composed by Toti West, Francis West & Melaina Huaki.

E tō e te rā ki te whare kikino o Tūrongo
Rere mai rā te pua
Ko te ua āwhā o te Uru
Ara mai e te rā i tō rua areare
Puea ake i Te Tairāwhiti
Ka tere te kārohirohi
Hei papapounamu i te ara
Mō te ngākau tōmina e kōingo ai e

Murimuri aroha

Tākiri ngā hihi o te rā ki runga o Kahotea
Pīata mai ko ngā raukawakawa
Tērā te wahine rangatira e whanga mai nā

Heia rā te hinu raukawa
Rere rā te kakara i ngā haurire o te Tairāwhiti
Kōhiti mai te marama
Whakatoi ai kia whakatōrere mai e

Murimuri aroha

He aroha pūmau tonu e

Set, oh sun, on the cruel house of Tūrongo
Rain falls
‘Tis the storm of the West
Arise, oh sun from your morning abode
Rise in the east
And may the shimmering light
Make a path of safe passage
For the longing heart that desires love

Yearning for love

The suns rays shine upon Kahotea

Where the kawakawa glimmers
There the chieftainess awaits

Adorn yourself with the perfume of raukawa
Let it float on the light winds of the East
When the moon rises
The alluring smell draws love together

‘Tis affection and love

Everlasting love


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