【Mr.Li 钢琴】孤勇者「英雄联盟 双城之战」The Lonely Warrior "League of Legends Battle of Two Cities"

Описание к видео 【Mr.Li 钢琴】孤勇者「英雄联盟 双城之战」The Lonely Warrior "League of Legends Battle of Two Cities"

虽然很多朋友推荐这首,但是我一直没有编曲的灵感 ,特别是主歌部分 总感觉不知道在表达什么。有天晚上失眠的时候再听,忽然明白了,那是莫名的压抑和空洞的眼神,而副歌则是希望的光与力量。所以这次在编曲中,两个主歌部分采用了最简单的织体,然后逐步过渡到副歌的力量感去,在第二个间奏爆发之后,压抑的情绪像洪水一般倾泻而出...
这首曲子从某种程度上也带给我力量去突破自己在创作上的枷锁,接下来我会再尝试着去填上一些卡了我很久的老坑,感谢大家一直以来的支持 !

Although many friends recommended this song, but I have no inspiration for the arrangement, especially the main song part, I always feel that I don't know what to express. I listened to it again one night when I was insomnia, and suddenly realized that it was inexplicable depression and empty eyes, and the chorus was the light and strength of hope. So this time, in the arrangement, the two verse parts use the simplest texture, and then gradually transition to the power of the chorus. After the second interlude broke out, the suppressed emotions poured out like a flood....
This song also gives me the strength to break through the shackles of my own creation to some extent. Next, I will try to fill in some old holes that have stuck me for a long time. Thank you for your support!
Degree of Difficulty:★★★★
Cover Designer:@Melody Meng
Bilibili / Weibo / NetEase CloudMusic: @MrLi小哥 (Audio sync updated on the musician's album and radio station)
#孤勇者 #英雄联盟 #LOL #piano #music #纯音乐 #陈奕迅 #EasonChan


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