Milagu kashayam, Home remedy for cold, fever, body pain

Описание к видео Milagu kashayam, Home remedy for cold, fever, body pain

Milagu kashayam மிளகு கஷாயம் is a perfect home remedy for common cold and it's symptoms like fever, body pain, cough etc. With full video and step by step pictures.
Milagu kashayam recipe
Black pepper - 1 tbsp

Cumin seeds - 2 tsp

Sugar - 1 tbsp

Honey - 1 tbsp

Dry roast black pepper until it pops, lower the flame and add cumin seeds. Wait for it to crackle too.
Remove in a plate to cool down, mean while, in low flame, add sugar to the same pan, let it melt and start turning deep in colour.
Carefully add 2 cups water. Let it boil. Powder the pepper and cumin.
Add to the boiling water. Let it boil for 5 mins in medium flame or until the water reduces to half.
Filter and let it become warm. Mix honey (or jaggery/ palm sugar).
While roasting pepper, cover with a lid as it pops.
Add cumin after the pepper pops as cumin seeds tend to get roasted soon.
While caramelizing sugar, do it in medium flame. Be careful while adding water.
The filtered residue can be again boiled with water to get a lighter dose of kashayam.
As this is strong, just take one dose per day.


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