Être prêtre et aimer une femme (English) - I'm a priest

Описание к видео Être prêtre et aimer une femme (English) - I'm a priest

Song in English with French video. Frollo: Daniel Lavoie


I was a happy man until I saw your face
I hid my need away in some dark secret place
All that power of sex I kept down and I never let go
I had only one design the truth of God and man to know

Oh I'm a priest and I love this girl
I love with a love that destroys my world

Against wind and the tide I could stand any shock
Straight and proud like Notre-Dame upon her rock
Then you've stolen my heart and awakened desire
I dream I'm inside you and I wake up on fire

Oh I'm a priest and I love this girl
I love with a love that destroys my world

I let no woman near, I suffered for God's care
In the heart of the night I saw the lightning flare
I looked out from my room, distracted from my prayer
The day had just begun, and you were standing there

Oh I'm a priest and I love this girl
I love with a love that destroys my world
Oh I'm a priest and I love this girl

Heal me with your touch - or hurt me once again
Make me suffer for my sin
Just lead me on to Hell, and I'll deny my Christ
For Hell, with you, is Paradise

Oh I'm a priest and I love this girl
I love with a love that destroys my world
Oh I'm a priest and I love this girl
This girl


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