My method for weaving great selvedges on the Rigid Heddle Loom

Описание к видео My method for weaving great selvedges on the Rigid Heddle Loom

Selvedges are the new weaver's biggest hang-up! ...... and experienced weavers too sometimes.
The quality of our selvedges is affected by so many factors - our weaving technique, the yarn we are using, the shuttle, the structure and many more besides. Personally I think that we often over-think our selvedge technique - it really doesn't have to be complicated, but I will say, that the perfect selvedge comes with practice and experience.
Starting with winding the shuttle last week, I will spend the next few weeks looking at just a few of the factors that can affect our selvedges, and hopefully, offer some solutions and encouragement in your quest for the perfect selvedge - my best advice though, is to allow yourself to relax into your weaving rhythm and enjoy it - this often goes a long, long way to balancing and perfecting those pesky selvedges.
I hope this helps!
For more information on selvedges, you can go to my Patreon page -, and look for "Sloppy Selvedge Solutions.


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