Solo Atheon in Age of Triumph

Описание к видео Solo Atheon in Age of Triumph

After a few years of believing Solo Atheon in AoT is practically impossible, I finally sat down and gave it a few serious tries. After doing damage tests with Gjallarhorn I knew the damage was doable in 2 Phases, so all I needed was the correct side twice in a row (which is a 1 in 4 chance, the same chance as getting a front mid on Aksis) and a weapon to destroy the oracles consistently (which became the VoG Fusion Rifle Praetorian Foil).

The main difficulty in this challenge comes from destroying the oracles in time. You need to destroy 2 oracles at a time twice and Lost in Time kills you very quickly so you need to precharge the fusion rifle so you don't die. As for the damage phase itself, I used Gjallarhorn because it has tracking so it hits Atheon consistently. What's also nice is that you still see Atheon's health bar despite the blackscreen so you just have to aim Ghorn at his health bar and shoot. I also activated my super during dps phase for damage reduction. At the end of the damage phase I would turn to the right, jump and run for 2 seconds in order to place myself at the sync plate to be ready for the 2nd damage phase. Then I took a heavy synth and repeated the whole process.

I would usually also switch to Radiant Skin before the "final bake" (after dying in the 2nd dps phase) but I knew my damage was good enough to kill him without it so I sticked with Fireborn as I didn't wanna risk having insanely long loading times and potentially not being able to self-res in time.

All in all, very happy to get this challenge done. Also, shoutout to my friends ledtin and Danny_R for helping me test strats

Q: Is this possible on Hunter or Titan?
A: No. (Update: Yes it is. with PDR (Pocket Death Respawn) you can do it on any character)

Q: Is this possible on regular Hard Mode or 390?
A: Both are possible in theory but will most likely never happen. Atheon simply has too much health on 390 and you would need so many phases to kill him so you need to get very very lucky with the portals. Regular Hard Mode MIGHT be realistically doable but I don't think Praetorian Foil one hits the oracles so that may become a problem. Anyway, I don't think I will attempt HM anytime soon.

Q: How do you know when you have to kill yourself in the beginning?
A: I killed myself after shooting around 3 1/2 Vision of Confluence mags at Atheon.

Q: What was your loadout?
A: Max Intellect and Discipline, Fusion Nade, Fireborn, Viking Funeral build, Starfire Protocol with extra heavy ammo reserves, Vision of Confluence, Praetorian Foil, Gjallarhorn

Q: Is this the World's First Solo Atheon kill after the Age of Triumph patch?
A: Yes

Q: How long did this take?
A: Don't know, it took me a few hours with teammates to find a working strat and then maybe around 5-6 hours of actual solo attempts.

Q: Is 1 Phase possible?
A: I doubt it. (Update: It's possible on Titan)

Q: What other Destiny 1 challenges do you have in mind?
A: Maybe Solo Heroic Siege Engine on Titan, Solo Hard Mode Aksis and perhaps some team stuff.

Q: How many oracles did you need to destroy?
A: All Six


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