BACH Cantate 140 - Soloists - Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Kammerorchester Heilbronn, Rilling 1984

Описание к видео BACH Cantate 140 - Soloists - Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Kammerorchester Heilbronn, Rilling 1984

Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme ('Awake, calls the voice to us'),
also known as Sleepers Awake,
« Réveillez-vous, La Voix nous appelle »
regarded as one of his most mature and popular sacred cantatas.

Arleen Auger, sopran
Aldo Baldin, tenor
Philippe Huttenlocher, bass
Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart
Wurttembergisches Kammerorchester Heilbronn
leitung : Helmuth Rilling
Editor LAUDATE 1984
6 different interpretations

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