Friday Night Funkin' X-Event Soundtrack OST Full Week [Fnf Mod]

Описание к видео Friday Night Funkin' X-Event Soundtrack OST Full Week [Fnf Mod]

#FnfMod #Fnf #FridayNightFunkin #XEvent
Truce 0:00
Overwrite 3:38
Inking Mistake 6:24
Relighted 9:31
Bad Time Trio 13:21
Bad Time Trio isn't in it but it does fit

The X Event mod is a mod bringing your favorite characters from the Undertale AUs Underverse and XTale into the Friday Night Funkin' universe!

The full week contains everything from previews weeks (Overwrite with X Chara and Inking Mistake with Ink!Sans), and now includes a custom RPG overworld, better charting tools, and a new character: X Gaster, with his theme Relight.

Download here:


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