CSA Distinguished Lecture: Chinese Base on the CoCo Islands: Maritime Security Concerns

Описание к видео CSA Distinguished Lecture: Chinese Base on the CoCo Islands: Maritime Security Concerns

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Distinguished Speaker
Rear Admiral Sanatan Kulshrestha, Indian Navy (Retd.)
Dr. A. Adityanjee, President
Council for Strategic Affairs

About the Lecture
CoCo Islands is a small group of islands in the Northeastern Bay of Bengal near the Andaman Nicobar Islands. They are part of the Yangon Region of Myanmar. The islands are located 414 km (257 mi) south of the city of Yangon. Coco Island group consists of five islands: four on Great Coco Reef and one on the Little Coco Reef. To the north of this island group lies Preparis Island, belonging to Myanmar. To the south lies the Landfall Island, belonging to India. These islands once belonged to India but during Nehru's Prime Ministership, the ownership and possession were transferred to Myanmar. For more than two decades Communist China was operating a listening post on the CoCo Islands. Since India's decision to transform Andaman and Nicobar into a tri-service theatre command, there is chatter about Communist China, with the connivance and concurrence of the Myanmar military government developing the facility into a Chinese naval base. There are serious maritime security implications for India. Admiral Kulshrestha will discuss various aspects of this emerging maritime threat.

About the Distinguished Speaker
Rear Admiral S Kulshrestha is an alumnus of Jodhpur University with Gold Medal in Solid State Physics in his Post Graduation. He joined Indian Navy in the year 1975 and was awarded Silver Medal at the Naval Academy, the Telescope, and the Sword of Honour for being adjudged the best Naval Officer during initial training. He did his specialization in Quality Assurance of Naval Armament and adorned various key appointments at Naval Command Headquarters, DRDO establishments, Ordnance Factories and finally rose to become the Director General of Naval Armament Inspection (DGNAI) at the Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Navy). During his career spanning over three decades in the Armament Quality Organisation in the Indian Navy, he has gained and attained a thorough knowledge of Quality Assurance of sophisticated naval armament, Quality Management Systems, Project Management, and Negotiation on technical as well as financial subjects

Further Information and Contact
E-Mail: [email protected]
Strategic Affairs Distinguished Lecture is a presentation of
Council for Strategic Affairs 


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