Embolism : Definition, Types of Embolism & Clinical Manifestations

Описание к видео Embolism : Definition, Types of Embolism & Clinical Manifestations

An embolus is; A detached, intravascular, solid, liquid or gaseous mass that is carried by the blood to a site distant to it's point of origin.
Almost all emboli are derived from some kind of a thrombus in the vasculature. Hence the name Thromboembolism.
Rare forms of embolism include;
Fat & bone marrow embolism.
Air embolism.
And amniotic fluid embolism.
In this video I discuss about these types of embolism, and their major clinical consequences.
Hope you gain a lot of information.
If you have any question or doubt regarding this topic, feel free to post them in the comment section. We would love to hear from you.
Thanks for watching!
See you soon in the next video!
#Embolism #MedToday


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