kompleksi - (e)motions (2021)

Описание к видео kompleksi - (e)motions (2021)


i'm a lonely freak
and people laugh at me
behind my back

but i don't really care
no feelings to spare
i'm not going to crack

so many people turn their heads away
when they see me,
pretend i don't exist or i'm invisible
to be or not to be?

my so called friends
who used to say hello
don't know me any more
i must have my name on someone's shit list
but all details are covered in the mist


i don't feel emotions
i just go through the motions
i don't really feel a thing
i don't complain and i don't explain
i must have my soul missing

no matter how hard i try
i can't shed one little tear
maintaining my composure
i'm unable to cry


i stare myself for hours in the mirror
to see if i'm really there
a failing strategy
wasted lives make waste,
not tragedy


Music by Kompleksi (Mike Not & pHinn).
Kaukajärvi footage by Tina Ulevik-Piirto.
Kompleksi photographs by Sakari Karipuro.
Additional material (public domain/Creative Commons): Archive.org, Pixabay.com, Videezy.com
Video by pHinn.

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/581313376

© Kompleksi/Pispala Noir/pHinnWeb 2021.
All rights reserved.


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