Outriders New Horizon | Trickster Unkillable Harbinger Skill Build | Easy Solo CT 15

Описание к видео Outriders New Horizon | Trickster Unkillable Harbinger Skill Build | Easy Solo CT 15

Outriders New Horizon | A Trickster Unkillable Skill and Mod damage Build focusing on the Harbinger Tree for Max Survivability

Check out more new builds and guides here:    • Outriders New Horizon Builds  

Music: Metal Gear Rising Revengeance | The Strains of Time | Rules of Nature
Remnant from the Ashes | Ward 13 OST and Main menu OST

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00:00 Intro
02:36 First Thoughts - NOTE: I meant Harbinger Tree :)
03:18 Skills
04:52 Armor and Mods
07:24 Alternate Armor Mods
08:16 Weapon and Mods
10:31 Talents
12:49 Showcase Shield Gain
13:16 Rotation and Tips
14:47 Advantages and Disadvantages
17:06 Gameplay outro


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