Blue Jays' Epic Peanut Heist: House Finch & Sparrow Party!

Описание к видео Blue Jays' Epic Peanut Heist: House Finch & Sparrow Party!

#bluejayeatingpeanut #bluejays #wildlife #birdfeedercam #nature #squirrel
Blue Jays were snatching up the peanuts in this video! They are pretty comical about how they'll rake through the seeds or force the hopper to release more seeds so they can get their peanuts. One blue jay will only consume peanuts, and it makes quite a mess when it visits the birdcam feeder. The seeds it rakes out of the feeder drop below, and various bird species take advantage of that.

One of the baby squirrels stopped by for a visit, and I was thrilled to see a few house finches and sparrows gather at the bird feeder to eat.

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Dreams of Us by Bonne Grace


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