Candleman: The Complete Journey - Chapter 1 Walkthrough (PC) (No Commentary)

Описание к видео Candleman: The Complete Journey - Chapter 1 Walkthrough (PC) (No Commentary)

Candleman chapter 1 gameplay (PC) (Steam release)
Candleman all cutscenes & full story video coming later.

Despite only being able to burn for 10 seconds, a little candle journeys into the darkness, with the purpose of seeking light.

Candleman: The Complete Journey is a unique puzzle platformer, where light is both a welcome ally and a deceptive foe. Take the role of a little candle who can burn for only 10 seconds, and venture through an unsettling darkness of challenging levels with a smooth difficulty curve. Use your wits to overcome obstacles based on the mechanics of light and shadow, while exploring a wide range of enchanted environments as you seek out the distant glow.

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