The Future of Cybersecurity, a Conversation with Melissa Hathaway

Описание к видео The Future of Cybersecurity, a Conversation with Melissa Hathaway

“The Future of Cybersecurity”, a conversation with Melissa Hathaway, who served as a senior cybersecurity adviser to both President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama, leading a major Cyberspace Policy Review for the latter.

With rising frequency of cyber-attacks, such as data breaches and service disruptions, governments across the globe are implementing initiatives to regulate and control the internet and its infrastructure. Increasingly, these states are also advocating for the establishment of voluntary norms of behaviour in cyberspace. For these norms to effectively counter cybersecurity threats and ensure future safety of the internet, however, global cooperation between governments, businesses, and other relevant actors becomes essential.

Ms Hathaway joins UNU Centre for Policy Research Director Sebastian von Einsiedel for a conversation examining the current landscape of cybersecurity, and to discuss how a consensus on a framework for universal norms can be achieved in the digital age.

About the speaker

Melissa Hathaway is a leading expert in cyberspace policy and cybersecurity. She served in two US presidential administrations, spearheading the Cyberspace Policy Review for President Barack Obama, and leading the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative for President George W. Bush. She is currently President of Hathaway Global Strategies, LLC, and Senior Advisor at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. She has previously served as a strategic advisor and board member for several public and private companies and non-profit organisations.

Ms Hathaway is a graduate of American University (USA) and the Joint Forces Staff College (USA).


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