[Video] How to be a funny tour guide and How to give a funny tour? Tour Guide Training

Описание к видео [Video] How to be a funny tour guide and How to give a funny tour? Tour Guide Training

Be a Better Guide - Free Online Tour Guide Training at www.beabetterguide.com
Today’s Tour Guide Training? How to be a funny tour guide and how to give a funny tour

To see the Beefeater Bill tour, or see all the comments on Be a Better Guide.com, head over here:

Being funny is one of those traits that many incredible tour guides seem to share. You don’t have to be funny to be a great guide, but a well placed joke or a good hearted jab can really make your tour a lot more fun.

People love laughing, being surprised and hearing about absurd people and places. A great tour is ultimately a form of entertainment and it is worth it to try and figure out how you can incorporate humour into your experience.

Luckily, there are lots of ways to be funny, but unfortunately, there is nothing less funny than someone trying too hard to tell jokes.

My strategy today is as follows:

1) Check out the above video for some tips on writing jokes for your tour.

2) I’ve found on youtube a tremendously funny English tour guide named Beefeater Bill. His tour lasts just under an hour, but is a great example of a tour guide being hilarious.

Hopefully, you find these videos helpful and they will at least provide you with a little inspiration for being funny on tour!

To connect with ‘Beefeater’ Bill Callahan you can use the links below for his website and twitter account!


-Kelsey T


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