The importance of a blueprint workflow - Introducing Bloop

Описание к видео The importance of a blueprint workflow - Introducing Bloop

In this video I am introducing my WordPress + Bootstrap workflow called "Bloop" - my starting point for creating websites. From this starting point I've built everything from a simple "site in a day", to a multi-month large project. This has been an invaluable starting point for me on spartan shared-servers, fancy WPE servers, in LocalWP, in Multisites, and pretty much anything else I've tried.

- This isn't open source, check out
- For many devs this will be a boring tech stack. Boring is good, most of the time.

This video is from a series that demonstrates a workflow using WordPress + Bootstrap to create high quality websites at scale. The series explores the 'why' and workflow of creating a "Blueprint" starting-point, and overviews on LocalWP for local development, Bootstrap as a front-end framework, WordPress as a CMS, and Picostrap/Livecanvas as tools for making all pages editable at a code-level.

Stuff I could say more clearly next time:

- "Most websites don't live to see a five year birthday" - this was true from my Agency and SaaS jobs, but I can also think of sites where this is only true in a "ship of Theseus" way; that the website is fundamentally different, but may look the same over that time.

- There are other ways of being able to write the code directly with WP - but LC is just such a smooth way of doing it! Other examples include custom themes, WYSIWYG classes set in functions, custom Gutenberg stuff, and possibly the new Patterns thingy.

Feedback is welcome!

- Livecanvas:
- Bootstrap:
- LocalWP:
- WordPress:
- Ninja Bootstrap:
- Picostrap theme:


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