Serpentis Corporation Hydroponics Site - Eve Online Exploration Guide

Описание к видео Serpentis Corporation Hydroponics Site - Eve Online Exploration Guide

A complete description of the Serpentis Corporation Hydroponics Site, a combat signature found in low security Gallente space, or through a lucky escalation from a Serpentis Den.

This is a good site for experienced explorers to test themselves, or for those flying in low security space with your corp mates. It has a reasonable chance of dropping Corelum B-Type deadspace modules.

Music is from the Eve Online soundtrack:
Gallente Theme
Opinions of the Misinformed

00:00 - Series Introduction
00:25 - Combat Signatures and DED Rated Sites
00:50 - Serpentis Corporation Hydroponics Site Introduction
01:15 - Warping to the Site
01:41 - Room 1
02:25 - Room 2
03:17 - Room 3 - Sarpati Family Enforcer
04:21 - Loot Potential - Corelum B-Type Deadspace Modules
04:48 - Ships and Fits
05:43 - Stay Tuned for More!

Hyperion fit flown in the video:

[Hyperion, Serp Hydroponics]
Energized Kinetic Membrane II
Energized Thermal Membrane II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Damage Control II
Energized Kinetic Membrane II
Energized Thermal Membrane II
Large Armor Repairer II

Large Micro Jump Drive
Large Cap Battery II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Sensor Booster II

425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
Core Probe Launcher I

Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Warrior II x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Curator II x5

Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8
Scan Resolution Script
Antimatter Charge L x5000
Lead Charge L x5000
Iron Charge L x5000

Brutix fit shown in the video:

[Brutix, Serp Hydroponics]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Power Diagnostic System II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Kinetic Armor Hardener II
Thermal Armor Hardener II
Damage Control II

50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Large Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery
Cap Recharger II
Sensor Booster II

250mm Prototype Gauss Gun
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun
Salvager II

Medium Ancillary Current Router II
Medium Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I
Medium Thermal Armor Reinforcer I

Hobgoblin II x10
Salvage Drone I x5

Uranium Charge M x4000
Antimatter Charge M x4000
Targeting Range Script x1
Scan Resolution Script x1
Iron Charge M x4000

Deimos fit capable of running the site:

[Deimos, Serp Hydroponics]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Kinetic Armor Hardener II
Thermal Armor Hardener II
Thermal Armor Hardener II

50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Medium Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery
Cap Recharger II
Sensor Booster II

250mm Railgun II
250mm Railgun II
250mm Railgun II
250mm Railgun II
250mm Railgun II

Medium Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I
Medium Thermal Armor Reinforcer I

Warrior II x5
Hobgoblin II x5

Targeting Range Script x1
Scan Resolution Script x1
Antimatter Charge M x4000
Lead Charge M x4000
Iron Charge M x4000


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