Storm but Every Turn a Different Cover is Used (Storm but every turn a new character sings it)

Описание к видео Storm but Every Turn a Different Cover is Used (Storm but every turn a new character sings it)

Storm but Every Turn a Different Cover is Used (Storm but every turn a new character sings it)

THIS IS A PLAYABLE MOD!!! It comes as an update for the Guns but Every Turn uses a Different Cover Mod! Also includes the mods for the rest of the But Every Turn A Different Cover is Used Series!

Mod Download :

Update 7.5 Patch Notes:
Added Storm BETADCIU (Main Song)
Added Expurgation (CJ & Ruby) (Bonus Song)
Accidental Bop & Resketch as other Bonus Songs
Fixed a small visual glitch in Takeover when the arrows switch to pixel and back
Fixed Cassandra's player camera
Added GF's icon to the bg when switching to Kaity's turn in Cosmic
Fixed More Character Offsets

A small update for the BETADCIU mod mainly to push out a few bug fixes! For this episode, we have AtsuOver's Storm! Now this is the first time I've made a BETADCIU on a song that has not been publicly modded into the game! Though the song is pretty short too so I guess that kinda helps it. No new characters for this one, just black and white versions of characters that are already in the mod! Hope you enjoy!

Voicebanks Used:
Credits to GenoX and KawaiSprite
GenoX:    / Канал  
My Voicebanks:

Go follow me on my (Reduced this to ones I currently use):
Soundcloud:   / blantados​​​​​  
Twitter:   / blantados  
Discord (If you wanna talk to me or smthn): Blantados6884 (Add the # in between)
Discord Server:   / discord  

#FridayNightFunkin #ButEveryTurnADifferentCoverIsUsed #BETADCIU #FNF #OneDayAStormCameByAndSaidGoodbyeToMyWifi #StormBETADCIU


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