High Oxalate Foods List - 13 Popular Foods You Should NOT Be Eating

Описание к видео High Oxalate Foods List - 13 Popular Foods You Should NOT Be Eating

High Oxalate Foods List and how much oxalates each food contain: Are You Eating Any of These Popular Foods? These naturally occurring oxalic acid crystals are found in many of the foods we eat every day, and if you're consuming too many of them, they could be wreaking havoc on your body. But don't worry; I am here to shed light on the issue and give you the list of high-oxalate foods you need to make informed decisions about your food choices. In this video, I'll be revealing the 13 most popular high oxalate foods that you should avoid at all costs. So sit back, grab a notebook, and get ready to take some notes, because these are the foods you won't really do not want to be eating.

👉 Also, I just read Toxic Superfoods, and it made me rethink some “healthy” foods that could actually be messing with us. Definitely worth a look: https://amzn.to/3XbWTZw

Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

➡️ 18 Low Oxalate Fruits – List Of Crystal-Clear Choices: https://foodhow.com/low-oxalate-fruit...

➡️18 Low Oxalate Fruits That Won't Turn You Into A Human Oxalate Crystal! -    • 18 Low Oxalate Fruits That Won't Turn...  

👉 UPDATE: For a more updated list, I would recommend Sally Norton's eye-opening book where she sheds light on the hidden dangers of oxalates in seemingly healthy plant foods and offering valuable insights: https://amzn.to/3uC4YeG

Video Chapters

0:00 Intro
0:42 Spinach
1:21 Rhubarb
1:47 Almonds
2:28 Sesame seeds
3:09 Beets and beet greens
3:38 Soy flour and soy protein
4:13 Wheat bran
4:52 Oranges
5:13 Sweet potatoes
5:34 Beans
5:59 Raspberries
6:25 Tea
6:55 Cocoa and dark chocolate

So, if you're trying to cut down on oxalates, you may want to think twice before reaching for that chocolate bar or cup of hot chocolate.

But don't worry, there's still hope!

There are plenty of delicious and nutritious low and no-oxalate foods that you can add to your diet. Be sure to check out my other video for a comprehensive list of the best low-oxalate options.

I have left the link above.

Check It Out Now!


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