Load Testing Crash Course with Gatling by Stéphane Landelle

Описание к видео Load Testing Crash Course with Gatling by Stéphane Landelle

QA had thoroughly tested the new release, performed Unit tests, functional tests and yet... we still crashed.

The ultimate goal in development is to make sure the application works for the end users in the production env, not just in QA.

This is where load testing comes in.

This session will give you some basics about load testing, how to avoid common pitfalls and how to build efficient load tests with Gatling and Java.

We're going to talk about network protocols, application behavior and stats.

After a decade of Java consulting, Stéphane has been trying his best to be a good open-source citizens.

He's the founder of the open-source load testing tool Gatling, for which he's also the CTO since it became a company, as well as the maintainer or committer of several other open-source projects, including Netty and scala-maven-plugin.

His main interests are the JVM ecosystem, in particular Scala.

When he's not working or coding, you can find him on a role-playing-game table.

visuals & editing by @Mercator
music : Avocado by Ephixa


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