Bikers VS Cartel | The Motorcycle Club That Fought Back

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Bikers VS Cartel | The Motorcycle Club That Fought Back

Ever wondered how a motorcycle club rises from the streets of Southern California to become a feared global force? The Mongols Motorcycle Club did just that, building a reputation for violence and ruthlessness that rivaled even the notorious Hell's Angels. Starting in Los Angeles, they expanded to 14 national chapters and formed alliances around the world. However, their fierce and bloody battles with LAIME, the Mexican Mafia, truly solidified their fearsome legend.

But how did such a small group find themselves in the crosshairs of one of the world's largest criminal enterprises? And how did they manage to avoid being annihilated in the process?

We are about to find out all the answers through this video.

From their beginning, the Mongols were misfits. Although the Mongols and the Mexican Mafia wouldn't cross paths until much later, the roots of their conflict trace back to the MC's early days. By the end of the 1960s, a small group of Hispanic veterans who had just returned from Vietnam began to entertain the idea of joining a motorcycle club. Having been denied entry into the Hell's Angels because of their strict white-only policies, these former soldiers decided to forge their own path and form their own club instead.

In December 1969, the Mongols Motorcycle Club was founded in Montebello, California. They took their name from the roaming horde of warriors that conquered much of Asia and Eastern Europe. From the beginning, the Mongols set themselves apart, not only in name but in the diverse membership that reflected the multicultural reality of Southern California. This diversity became both a strength and a point of conflict, particularly when they later crossed paths with the powerful Mexican Mafia.

In the 13th century, [a]the Mongols Motorcycle Club adopted a distinctive three-piece patch featuring a Mongol warrior riding a motorcycle, proudly claiming California as their home turf. From the very beginning, the values of loyalty, honor, and respect were integral to their existence. After its foundation, the newly formed group started to grow rapidly. The veterans who made up its core quickly transformed the club from a band of ragtag bikers into a disciplined and effective squad, almost like a small army in behavior and nature. Requests to join skyrocketed, and within a few years, the Mongols managed to spread far beyond their hometown in Southern California. By the end of the 1970s[b], the MC had several chapters throughout California and had rightfully earned its place as a one-percenter club.

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