Plessy v Ferguson - The Logical Flaw in this Infamous Supreme Court Case

Описание к видео Plessy v Ferguson - The Logical Flaw in this Infamous Supreme Court Case

This is a lecture video about the landmark 1896 US Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537. This case enshrined the infamous "Seperate but Equal" doctrine that formed the foundation of segregation in the American South for decades. This lecture explains the details of the case, and the central argument made by Justice Brown. I claim that Brown equivocates in the crucial portion of his argument, which putatively takes the form of Modus Tollens, a form reasoning in deductive logic. This logical flaw, of course, is entirely separate from the sheer racism of the court opinion. This lecture of part of a Philosophy of Law course.


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