"Prayer for Uninterrupted Devotion" | Prabhu Tava Pada Yuge |

Описание к видео "Prayer for Uninterrupted Devotion" | Prabhu Tava Pada Yuge |

Song Name: Prabhu Tava Pada Yuge

Official Name: Siksastakam Song 4

Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Book Name: Gitavali

Language: Bengali


prabhu tava pada-yuge mora nivedan

nāhi māgi deha-sukha, vidyā, dhana, jan


nāhi māgi swarga, āra mokṣa nāhi māgi

nā kori prārthanā kono vibhūtira lāgi’


nija-karma-guna-doṣe je je janma pāi

janme janme jeno tava nāma-guna gāi


ei mātra āśā mama tomār caraṇe

ahoitukī bhakti hṛde jāge anukṣane


viṣaye je prīti ebe āchaye āmār

sei-mata prīti hauk caraṇe tomār


vipade sampade tāhā thākuk sama-bhāve

dine dine vṛddhi hauk nāmera prabhāve


paśu-pakṣi ho’ye thāki swarge vā niroye

tava bhakti rahu bhaktivinoda-hṛdoye


1) My Lord: I submit the following prayer at Your holy feet: I do not pray to You for physical leisure, for learning, wealth, or followers.

2) I do not pray for heaven or salvation. I do not pray for any of these opulences.

3) In whatever birth I take, wherever my karma leads me, let me sing the glories of Your Holy Name birth after birth.

4) This alone is my cherished hope, my aspiration, my prayer at your lotus feet: Let causeless and uninterrupted devotion awaken within my heart and flow towards You.

5) Let me love Your lotus feet as much as I now love sense gratification; transfer my affection from the objects of the senses to Your lotus feet.

6) In danger or success, good fortune or disaster, let me remain in equipoise. And let my affection for You increase day by day by the influence of the Holy Name.

7) Whether I live as bird or beast, in heaven or in hell, let the humble Bhaktivinoda always cherish bhakti in his heart of hearts.


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