Dependency Theory Explained: Why Poor Countries Stay Poor

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Why do poor countries often stay poor? In this video, we break down Dependency Theory, a sociological perspective that explains global inequality and the challenges faced by developing nations. Learn about key thinkers like André Gunder Frank, Samir Amin, and their critics, including Walt Rostow and Peter Bauer. Is the global economy rigged, or can poor countries break free? Watch now to find out!

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Dependency Theory – The idea that poorer countries are kept in a state of dependency by wealthier nations through exploitation of resources and labor.
Global Inequality – The disparity between rich and poor nations in terms of economic and social development.
Colonialism – Historical extraction of wealth by empires from colonies, leading to long-term underdevelopment.
Underdevelopment – Defined by André Gunder Frank as a process caused by exploitation, not just a lack of progress.
Modernization Theory – An opposing theory suggesting internal factors like education and infrastructure determine development paths.
Export Dependency – Overreliance on exporting raw materials, making economies vulnerable to market fluctuations.
Delinking – A solution proposed by Samir Amin to reduce dependence on the global economy by focusing on self-sufficiency.
Globalization – The interconnectedness of nations through trade, technology, and culture, which critics argue has altered traditional Dependency Theory dynamics.
Autonomy – A nation’s ability to operate independently from global economic systems to achieve sustainable growth.
Capitalism – A global economic system critiqued by Dependency Theorists as perpetuating inequality through exploitation.


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