Basic Hamster Health Checklist

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Hamster Health Checklist

If you have any animals at home, of course you want them to be healthy. You should always keep an eye on them especially you own a small animal. Hamsters are tiny and cute and if they are ill or uncomfortable, it’s not easy to be discovered. To keep your hamster healthy, check them on weekly. So, keep watching, and I’m going to talk about the Basic Hamster Health Checklist.

1. Body Size: Hamster should not be overweight and not too thin. You should not be able to see the rib cage or spine. If you feed them in proper diet, overweight will never happens.

2. Eyes: Hamster’s eyes should be clear and bright with no discharge. The eye should not look “milky” or have a white or hazy circle. While Hamster might have red eyes, but don’t worry it is normal.

3. Bald Spots: Hamster should not be missing any hair or have any bald patches. Some hamsters lose their coats due to the allergic reactions caused by bedding. So, you might need to check with the bedding as well.

4. Ears: Hamster ears must be clean and clear of discharge or blood. They should not look red or flaky.

5. Teeth: Try to check on their teeth, there should be 4 visible at the front which are 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom. They will be long and yellow and they should not break or missing. If you think it’s too long, you can trim it with a nail clipper.

6. Nose: Look at your hamster’s nose, make sure they are no blockage as it might affect their breathing. Their breathing should be quiet and steady. If your hamster recently been very active or just done with its exercise, they might breath deep or fast.

Making sure your pets are healthy is your responsibility. So, don’t waste any more time, give your hamster a basic health checklist.

By : Neri


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