[Workshop] Getting started with Rust

Описание к видео [Workshop] Getting started with Rust

Dhruva's talk will give you a concise yet comprehensive introduction to Rust programming. You'll gain insights on:

The fundamentals and significance of Rust
Key features of the language
Getting started with Rust
Basic syntax and structure
Handling concurrency in Rust
The broader Rust ecosystem and its community
Resources and guidance for the next steps in learning the language.

Followed by workshop by Vagmi Mudhumbai which covers the following:

- Setting up the Editor and Toolchain
- Hello World in Rust
- Crafting Modules with Unit Tests
- Exploring Asynchronous Communication using Tokio
- Initiating with the Axum Web Framework
- Building APIs
- Using Axum Extractors
- Testing Handlers and Routers
- Mastering Router Nesting for APIs
- Handling Error Messages with Debug Handler
- Establishing Database Connectivity with SQLX
- Creating Migrations and Models
- Conducting Unit Tests for Testing DAOs
- Exploring Error Handling
- Writing Custom Extractor for Processing JWT Tokens
- Adding Logging and Trace Layer Middleware


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