carnatic music | jayajaya ( Purandaradasar ) SandeepNarayan

Описание к видео carnatic music | jayajaya ( Purandaradasar ) SandeepNarayan

Arangetram of Chi: Bhuvanasundaran was held at Sivagami Petachi auditorium . Vocal by Sri Sandeep Narayan, Violin By Sri Raghul Ravichandran, Ghatam by Sri Guruprasad . With the blessings of Sri S J Arjun Ganesh, Bhuvanasundaran performed well. The chief guest for the day was Sri Deccan Krishna Moorthy and Smt Vishaka hari Ji.

Bhuvanasundaran start to learn mridhangam from the age of 9 from sri Arjun ganesh . Now he is studying in 10th standard at Pon vidhyashram school in Chennai . His Father Mr. Gopal Neelankantan is in Software Field and his Mother Mrs. Sowmya Gopal is a Carnatic Music Teacher. She finished her MA Music from Kerala University, Trivandrum.

The video will be published song by song


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