Simple Sunnah Nikaah | PART 2| MUST LISTEN |Mufti Abdulmuheet Hafizahullah

Описание к видео Simple Sunnah Nikaah | PART 2| MUST LISTEN |Mufti Abdulmuheet Hafizahullah

Mufti Muhammad Abdulmuheet (Hafizahullah) is one of the leading Islamic Scholars in the North East.

After finishing his GCSEs in 1992, he went to broaden his Islamic education and was fortunately awarded a place in the famous Islamic college know as ‘Darul Uloom’ in Bury whose founder and principal was Shaikhul Hadith Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib (Rahimahullah) who was the greatest Muslim scholar the Western hemisphere has seen, and who was crowned with the titles of ‘The leader of the Muhadditheen', 'The Cream of the Arifeen' (Recognisers of Allah) and 'The Imam of the Mukhliseen' by the Holy Prophet ‎ﷺ in a dream the day he passed away on 10th Muharram (9th Sept 2019).

After entering Darul Uloom, Mufti Abdulmuheet first memorised the Holy Qur’an in 2 years and 8 months and did revision (Dhor) of the Qur’an for 8 months and moved onto the Alimiyyah classes in early 1996.

He completed the Alimiyyah course in 2001 and thereafter, went into Ifta (specialising in Fatwa) and finished in 2002 from the same institute.

He studied all the elementary books of Arabic grammar, Fiqh & Tafseer. Thereafter, in the final year he studied the famous Hadith books of Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim, the Sunans of Abu Daud, Nasa’i, Tirmizi, Ibn Maja, Muatta of Imām Malik and Imam Muhammad, Tahawai and Mishkat etc.

Some of his great teachers from whom he has ijazah of Hadith were the likes of the great Shaikhul Hadith Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib (Rahimahullah),

• Hazrat Shaikh Maulana Hashim Sahib,

• Shaikhul Hadith Hazrat Maulana Bilal Bawa Sahib,

• Shaikhul Hadith Hazrat Mufti Shabbir Sahib,

• Shaikh Mufti Sufi Tahir Wadee Sahib,

• Shaikh Abdur Raheem Limbada Sahib,

• Shaikh Noshad Sahib.

Some of his other senior teachers were Shaikh Umarji Sahib (Rahimahullah), Shaikh Mufti Ibrahim Raja Sahib, Shaikh Junaid Desai Sahib and many other prominent Ulama.

He studied Iftaa under Shaikhul Hadith Hazrat Mufti Shabbir Sahib,
Hazrat Mufti Sufi Tahir Wadee Sahib, Shaikh Abdur Raheem Limbada Sahib, Shaikh Umarji Sahib and Mufti Ibrahim Raja Sahib.

May Allah ﷻ grant them all a long blessed life and be pleased with them in both the worlds.

During student days, he turned his attention for spiritual rectification and gave Bai’ah to his great spiritual mentor, Sheikhul Hadith Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib (Rahimahullah) and also studied the Mathnawi Shareef (of Maulana Jala Uddin Rumi) with 2 of his colleagues from Hazrat Maulana Fazlur Rahim Sahib (Rahimahullah) of Oldham who was the student of Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madani (Rahimahullah).

Through consultation with his Shaikh, he opened a supplementary school and turned it into the only full-time Islamic school with integrated islamic eduction (a Darul Uloom) for sisters and named it Bahrul Uloom (Bahr Academy) also know as ‘Ocean of knowledge’. He is currently the principal of Bahr Academy.

He has been teaching Qur’an , Hadith, Fiqh, Nahw, Sarf and many other subjects since 2002 and has many male and female students in and around Newcastle Upon Tyne.

Many female scholars have graduated from Bahr Academy under his supervision and continue to do so until today.

After the demise of his Shaikh, he directed his attention to Mahbubul Ulama Shaikhul Hadith Hazrat Maulana Saleem Dhorat Sahib (Hafizahullah) for Tazkiyah (spiritual purification).

May Allah ﷻ accept all of Mufti Sahib's efforts and make him a beam of Hidayah for the whole Ummah. Aameen .

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