308 Winchester Beat by 7mm-08 Rem. and 260 Rem.

Описание к видео 308 Winchester Beat by 7mm-08 Rem. and 260 Rem.

Can two smaller rounds beat their “parent” 308 Winchester? Shoot flatter, drift less, hit harder? Ballistics and long range tests test the theory.
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All loading, handloading, gunsmithing, shooting and associated activities and demonstrations depicted in our videos are conducted by trained, certified, professional gun handlers, instructors, and shooters for instructional and entertainment purposes only with emphasis on safety and responsible gun handling. Always check at least 3 industry handloading manuals for handloading data, 2 or 3 online ballistic calculators for ballistic data. Do not modify any cartridge or firearm beyond what the manufacturer recommends. Do not attempt to duplicate, mimic, or replicate anything you see in our videos. Firearms, ammunition, and constituent parts can be extremely dangerous if not used safely.


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