🔴 Best Voigtlander Lenses for Leica M Mount / Screw Mount LTM

Описание к видео 🔴 Best Voigtlander Lenses for Leica M Mount / Screw Mount LTM

Best Voigtlander Lenses for Leica.. Voigtlander Screw Mount lenses + Voigtlander M Mount lenses
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▶️ Watch Next: Smallest Leica M Lenses -    • 🔴 Smallest Leica M Lens + Best M Moun...  

Voigtlander Leica lenses/ Leica M Voigtlander lenses + LTM Voigtlander lenses - Small manual focus lenses with great optics. These are some of the smallest manual focus lenses ever produced for any camera system. Voigtlander lens review comparison with sample photos for each lens.

Small Voigtlander screw mount lenses (Voigtlander M39 lenses) + Voigtlander that I use on Leica cameras: for digital on a Leica CL, Leica M8, Leica M240 (and the Lumix GH5), then for film on a Leica M2, M3, M4P and Leica M6. You can also use Voigtlander on Sony mirrorless, Fuji-X, Nikon Z series and any other mirrorless camera.

I also use Voigtlander lenses on micro four thirds bodies such as the Lumix GH5. Video includes the following lenses and you can see individual writeups and more photos for each lens on the links below. All mentioned lenses are Voigtlander Leica M mount or LTM mount lenses.

✅Find on eBay
Voigtlander Lenses for Leica: (Com) https://ebay.to/2AEK6Y2 (Co.uk) https://ebay.to/2A721q7
Leica M adapter - (Com) https://ebay.to/30jcoSp (Co.uk) https://ebay.to/2XItQOQ

📝 More reviews at:

Voigtlander Super Wide Heliar 15mm f/4.5 - https://mrleica.com/voigtlander-15mm-...
Voigtlander Color Skopar 21mm f/4 - https://mrleica.com/voigtlander-21mm-f4/
Voigtlander SnapShot Skopar 25mm f/4
Voigtlander Ultron 28mm f/2
Voigtlander Color Skopar 35mm f/2.5 - https://mrleica.com/voigtlander-color...
Voigtlander Nokton Classic 35mm f/1.4 - https://mrleica.com/voigtlander-35mm-...
Voigtlander Nokton Classic 40mm f/1.4 - https://mrleica.com/voigtlander-40mm/
Voigtlander Nokton 35mm f/1.2 ASPH II
Voigtlander Heliar 50mm f/3.5

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